Inspiration for sharing a memory

write a story

Share a story, tribute, or how your person has impacted your life. From big life moments down to funny things they said, you can't go wrong. And remember, you can share as many memories as you’d like!

For example:

  • Acknowledgement for how they have showed up in the world

  • Captions to explain any photos you added

  • Things that remind you of them or that they would love

  • Funny or inspiring things they did

  • Actions you're taking in honor of them

  • What you admire about them

  • Their catchphrases or comments that have stayed with you

write a tribute

If you’re wanting to share more of a tribute and are struggling with the words, try this writing exercise:

  1. Write down how you first met this person.

  2. Write down 1-3 memorable, tangible stories about this person—go for a mix of funny stories and inspirational ones—they don’t all need to be “big” memories.

  3. Reflect on what those stories tell you about this person—their character, and how they show up in the world—and write that down too.

  4. Finally, reflect on how this person has impacted your life, and perhaps how you do or will live your life differently as a result of them. And yes, write this down, as well.

  5. Now, smooth out all the pieces above with some paragraph transitions, and voila! If you’re not happy with how it’s all flowing, ChatGPT can be a helpful and free buddy to polish your tribute. Try prompting ChatGPT to make your text flow better, have a lighter or more somber tone, etc.

  6. Look for a picture or two of the person that fits well with the tribute. Google Photos can be a helpful tool for finding pics of someone you didn’t even know you had. No picture is needed to accompany your tribute of course, but if you want one and can’t find one, consider finding or taking a photo or other image that reminds you of the person on a site like Unsplash.

  7. Post your tribute on their LifeWeb!